let's talk Legal!

(without legalese!)

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Legal Creatives ​Terms of Use

Last update: 2024/09/09

If you're using our Website and/or ​Products, these Terms of Use and ​our Privacy Policy apply to you! If ​you do not agree to these, please ​refrain from using our Website ​and/or Products.

Defined as

The "Terms"

These Terms of Use are your agreement with ​Legal Creatives, LLC (that's us!) and cover ​your use of our website (legalcreatives.com) ​and all the cool things we offer — from ​articles and podcasts to webinars, videos, ​events, summits, courses, masrterclasses, ​downloads, and even the content you create ​when using our Website and Products!

1. What our ​TERMS COVER

Our online platform, ​including the website, and ​available materials such as ​downloadable resources.

Defined as
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The "Platform"

All our online courses and ​educational programs, ​including but not limited to ​our events, bootcamps, ​immersions, community, ​webinars and summits.

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Defined as

The "Products"

Any written, audio, or visual ​content, files, or information ​you submit, post, display, ​link to, or otherwise make ​available while accessing or ​using the platform and ​products.

Defined as
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"User Content"

2. Who these ​Terms Apply to?


Legal Creatives, LLC

Defined as

“us”, “we", "our"


Anyone who accesses or uses our Platform & Products.

Defined as

The "Users", "you", "your"

3. How: Your ​Responsibilities

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Age Requirement

You must be at least 18 ​years old to use our ​platform. By using our site, ​you confirm that you meet ​this age requirement.

If you are not 18 years old or ​more, please refrain from ​accessing and using our ​platform and products.

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Account Creation

If you create an account to ​access our Products, youmust provide accurate, ​complete, and up-to-date ​information.

Do not share or transfer your ​account to others, as each ​account is personal and ​non-transferable.

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Account Usage

You are responsible for all ​activities under your ​account, so keep your ​account details ​confidential.

Do not engage in unlawful, ​harmful, or inappropriate ​behavior on the platform or ​when using our products.

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When using our platform or products, do not:

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Share your account with others or ​transfer it to someone else.

Share or redistribute course ​content without explicit ​permission.

Use the platform for any illegal or ​harmful activities.

Access other users' accounts or ​personal data.

Upload or distribute malware or ​any harmful software.

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Disrupt the platform's functionality ​or interfere with other users' ​experience.

Post or share offensive, ​inappropriate, or harmful content.

Don't use automated tools like bots ​to interact with the platform.

Impersonate others or ​misrepresent your identity.

Bypass any security features or ​attempt to hack the platform.

We may suspend or terminate your account for violations.

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When using our platform or products, please do:

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Keep your account information ​secure and confidential.

Use the platform for lawful and ​educational purposes only.

Engage respectfully with other ​users in forums, chats, or any ​collaborative areas.

Report any technical issues or ​suspicious activity to support.

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Respect intellectual property rights ​by only using course content for ​personal learning.

Follow the platform's guidelines ​and policies to maintain a safe ​learning environment.

Contribute positively to the ​community by sharing your work ​and insights when accessing or ​using our Products.

These ensure a productive and respectful learning experience ​for everyone on the platform and/or when using the Products.

4. Products access ​And enrollments

To access our Products, you need to provide:

  • Your name and an email address.

By providing us with your email address, ​you consent to receiving Product-related ​notices via email.

For some Products, you will also need to:

  • Create an account on our website
  • Enter your payment information.

Be sure to provide accurate and complete ​information to receive prompt access.

  • Lifetime access: When you enroll on the ​Platform or purchase a Product from us, ​we typically provide lifetime access. This ​means you get to access to the Products ​in our Platform, as long as we own the ​course or our business continues.

  • Technical Requirements: To access our ​content, it’s up to you to make sure you ​have an adequate internet browser ​software (such as Google Chrome, Mozilla ​or Safari), hardware (eg a laptop desktop ​or cell phone), and a reliable internet ​connection.

  • Updates to Products: We may update or ​change the content in our courses from ​time to time. You'll still have access to ​these updates, but some courses or ​materials may be removed or ​discontinued.
  • Updates to The Platform: If we move the ​Product to a different platform, we’ll ​inform you about the switch. Sometimes, ​we may host the Products within our ​community platform, and if that happens, ​we’ll make sure to let you know.

  • To ensure you fully enjoy our platform ​and products, please review the Dos and ​Don’ts outlined in Section 3 of our Terms ​of Use. For example, sharing your account ​password is prohibited and could lead to ​the termination of your access.

Click here to read the complete Dos and ​Don'ts and understand the rules that help ​maintain a safe and enjoyable experience for ​everyone.

5. payments

and Refunds

  • Payments:

To purchase some of our Products courses, you ​must pay the fee using:

    • a valid debit or credit card
    • or another accepted payment method.

We use Stripe as our external payment service ​provider, so their terms and conditions apply to ​your payment transactions.

If you choose a payment plan and fail to pay all ​the installments, we reserve the right to disable ​access to the course content.

  • Refunds:

We do not offer refunds. Instead, we offer a ​conditional guarantee, giving you extended ​time to try our Products while protecting us ​against misuse.

For example, our Visual Lawyer Bootcamp ​includes a 1-year guarantee which is conditional ​on your active use of the program materials.

To qualify for the guarantee, you must complete ​the course, attend live calls (or watch the ​replays), and submit your coursework as ​instructed inside our Products.

If the Products didn’t work for you after active ​use, you may be eligible for a refund, which is ​granted at the discretion of Legal Creatives.

This guarantee prevents our Products from being ​underutilized while encouraging you to actively ​participate to achieve the expected benefits.

6. Intellectual ​Property


All content on our website, ​including text, graphics, ​logos, domain and brand ​names is the property of ​Legal Creatives or our ​content suppliers and is ​protected by copyright and ​other intellectual property ​laws ​o​r proprietary rights.

Limited License

We grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-​sublicenseable and revocable license to access and use our ​platform and products.

You are not allowed to reproduce, redistribute, transmit, assign, ​sell, broadcast, rent, share, lend, modify, adapt, edit, create ​derivative works of, sublicense, or otherwise use or transfer any ​content without explicit permission through a written agreement ​signed by an authorized Legal Creatives representative.

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7. USer ​Content

  • Ownership: You retain ownership of any content ​you submit to our site. By submitting content, you ​grant us a worldwide, royalty-free, and perpetual ​license to use, display, and distribute such ​content.

  • Responsibility: You are solely responsible for any ​content you submit and must ensure that it does ​not infringe on any third-party rights or violate ​our Terms.

8.1 Disclaimers

  • No Warranties: Our site is provided "as is" and "as available." We ​make no warranties or representations about the accuracy, ​reliability, or availability of our site. We also don’t promise ​specific results from using our Services.

  • Sometimes, our platform might be down for maintenance or due ​to technical issues and you agree not to hold us responsible for ​that.

  • We might remove or change features of the Services at any ​time, and we won’t be liable for any damages resulting from ​these changes or interruptions.

  • We’re not responsible for delays or failures in our Products due to ​events beyond our control, such as natural disasters, internet ​outages, or government actions.

Your use of the platform and products is at your own risk.

What you need to know

Our site is provided as-is, ​without guarantees of ​accuracy or availability. ​We’re not responsible for ​downtime, changes to ​features, or issues caused by ​things beyond our control. ​Use at your own risk.

8.2 Limitation of Liability

  • To the fullest extent permitted by law, Legal Creatives will not be ​liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential ​damages arising from your access or use of our Platform or ​Products.

  • Even if we were warned about potential damages, we are not ​responsible for any damages you or others may experience as a ​result from using our Platform or Products.

  • We are also not liable for lost data or revenue and you cannot ​held us liable for loss of profits or missed business opportunities.

  • Any other claims, losses, or damages arising from or related to ​your use of the resources shall be limited to the price you ​invested in the Products.

What you need to know

We are not responsible for ​any damages, including lost ​data or revenue, resulting ​from your use of our Platform ​or Products, and any claims ​or losses are limited to the ​amount you paid.

8.3 Indemnification

  • You agree to indemnify and hold Legal Creatives harmless from ​any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses (including ​reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising out of your use of our site or ​violation of these Terms.

  • If your actions cause us legal problems, we may take legal ​action against you. You agree to protect us and cover any costs ​if we face legal claims related to:
    • The content you post or share
    • Your use of our Products
    • Your violation of these Terms
    • Your violation of someone else's rights

  • This protection will continue even after you stop using our ​Platform or Products or these Terms end.

What you need to know

If your actions lead to legal ​issues for us, you may be ​responsible for covering any ​costs and protecting us from ​claims related to your User ​content, use of our Products, ​or any breaches of these ​Terms.

8.4 Termination

  • Your Right to Cancel: You can cancel your account and stop ​using our Platform and/or Products anytime, for any reason. Just ​let us know if you decide to cancel. For information on refunds, ​check our policy above under Section 5 "Payment & Refunds".

  • Our Right to Cancel: If you break these terms, we can cancel ​your access to the Platform or Products immediately.

  • After Termination: Some parts of this Agreement will continue to ​apply even after you stop using our Platform or after we end ​your access. Sections related to the Limitation of our Liability and ​Indemnification will survive any termination of these Terms.

  • Account Closure: If you decide to shut down your account, ​contact us, and we will handle your data according to our ​Privacy Policy.

What you need to know

You can cancel your account ​anytime, for any reason. We ​can cancel your access ​immediately if you break ​these terms. Some terms, ​like liability limitations and ​indemnification, will still ​apply after cancellation.

In the Event of Our Closure or Death:

  • Company Closure: If we, the company, cease operations or go ​out of business, we will notify you as soon as possible. We will ​handle any remaining obligations according to our policies and ​legal requirements.

  • Key Personnel: If a key individual associated with the platform ​passes away, we will make every effort to ensure continuity of ​Platform and Products and manage any impacts according to ​our procedures.

  • Your account and all related rights will end if you pass away.

What you need to know

If we go out of business or a ​key person associated with ​the platform dies, we'll notify ​you and handle things ​according to our policies; if ​you pass away, your account ​and all related rights will end.

8.5 Governing Law

& Dispute Resolution

What you need to know

These Terms are governed by ​Delaware law. Disputes will ​be resolved through ​arbitration following ​American Arbitration ​Association rules, after ​attempting mediation for 45 ​days.

  • These Terms are governed by and construed in accordance with ​the laws of Delaware, excluding conflict of law principles.

  • Any disagreement or issue related to these Terms or your use of ​our Platform or Products will be resolved through binding ​arbitration following the American Arbitration Association’s rules, ​unless we seek specific legal relief under these Terms.

  • Before going to arbitration, both parties must try to resolve the ​issue through mediation. If mediation fails within 45 days, ​arbitration can be started.

  • If we don’t enforce a right or obligation in these Terms, it doesn’t ​mean we’re giving up on it.

8.6 Modification

& Updates

What you need to know

We may update these Terms ​anytime, with changes ​effective when posted, and ​you agree to them by ​continuing to use our ​Products. You can't transfer ​these Terms, but we can ​transfer them to another ​company if


  • Changes to Terms: We may update these Terms at any time to ​explain our practices better or to include new features on our ​Platform or Products. If we make important changes, we'll let you ​know by email and through our Platform and Products.

  • Effective Date: Changes will take effect when they are posted.

  • Acceptance: By continuing to use our Platform and Products ​after changes are posted, you agree to the updated Terms.

  • Assignment: You cannot transfer these Terms to someone else. ​For example, if you signed up for an account as a company ​employee, you can’t pass it on to another employee. We can ​transfer them to another company or person as needed. For ​example, if we're acquired, we may transfer these Terms to the ​new owner to to ensure you have access without interruption.

9. Your Choice

to Opt Out

All communications related to ​our Platform and Products are ​made by email. If you no ​longer want to receive ​communications from Legal ​Creatives, you can opt out at ​any time.

To opt out, simply click on the Opt-Out ​link at the bottom of our emails or reach ​out to us at: hello@legalcreatives.com

Please be aware that opting out will prevent you from ​receiving important information regarding the Platform ​and Products, including important email notifications ​about the Products you purchased.

9. Contact

Have feedback, comments, or need assistance? ​Reach out to us at hello@legalcreatives.com

We're here to help!

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Here are our full Contact Information

Name: Legal Creatives, LLC

Business Number: 6497993

Address: 850 New Burton Road, #201, Dover, DE 19904, USA

Email: hello@legalcreatives.com

Thanks for ​reading till

the end!

We hope you enjoyed these Terms of Use, a ​forward-thinking example of contract and legal ​design in action.

Want to create something similar? You can! ​Join our Virtual Bootcamp to learn the complete ​methodology and apply these skills in your own ​legal practice.

Visit legalcreatives.com/bootcamp to learn ​more and secure your spot in the next cohort!

Here’s what the program looks like in a visual ​(yes, another one—this time, a timeline!).


to the ​Website!


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These terms were designed by Tessa Manuello using ​the legal design methodology taught on our Platform

and Products. We hope you like them!